God Communicates With His Children as Friends

John 15:15
▪︎ all things (πᾶς – Greek) – pas “all” in the sense of “each (every) part that applies.” The emphasis of the total picture then is on “one piece at a time.” – Matt 28:18-19; John 5:20;
▪︎ heard (ἀκούω – Greek) akouó to hear (listen); (figuratively) to hear God’s voice which prompts Him to birth faith within (cf. Rom 10:17), the root of the English term, “acoustics.” – John 5:25; Rom 10:14; 2Tim 2:2;
▪︎ made known (γνωρίζω – Greek) gnórizó to come to know, to make known, the keen perception and cleverly apt expression of those connections between ideas that awaken intellect, amusement and pleasure. – Eph 3:5; Col 1:27; Phil 4:6-7; 2Peter 1:16