Jesus Manifests Himself to Those Who Love His Word

John 14:21
▪︎ has – (ἔχω Greek) – echó  have, hold, possess, hold fast, keep – Matt 13:44, 45-46;
▪︎ keeps – (τηρέω Greek)  téreó – keep, guard, observe, watch over, maintain, preserve – John 14:15, 15:10, 17:6; 1Tim 6:14; Rev 3:10;
▪︎ disclose (ἐμφανίζω Greek) – emphanizó   exhibit, appear (in person), to declare, make visible, manifest – John 14:22, 23; Exod 33:13 (reveal, let me know – LXX), Heb 9:24;
▪︎ Jesus’ disclosure of Himself and God to His children is a complete disclosure in the form of the person of the Holy Spirit, the Trinity… John 14:21, 22, 23; John 14:26;

Other related words:
▪︎ manifest (φανερόω Greek) – phaneroó   make clear, make visible, manifest, make known, (from phṓs, “light”) properly, illumine – John 3:21; 1Cor 4:5; 2Cor 2:14, 4:10-11; Eph 5:13; Col 1:26; 1John 1:2;

   see also … The Holy Spirit, the Helper