Living Inside the Providence of God

Living in concert with, in harmony with God’s plans.
▪︎ John 9:1-2, 3 – How we got here, sin/no sin.
▪︎ 1Peter 4:12 – Don’t be surprised…
▪︎ Col 1:24 – Filling up Christ’s afflictions.
▪︎ 1Peter 4:13-14 – Holy Spirit rests on you.
▪︎ John 9:3 – Purpose, to Glorify God…
▪︎ Rom 8:28; 9:11; Eph 1:11; Heb 9:11, 12 – All work together.
▪︎ Exod 25:30 divine provision, Numb 4:7;
▪︎ Numb 14:1-45 – bad examples, grumblers.
▪︎ 2Chron 2:4 – Our hopes and dreams are continually placed as an offering before the Lord, 1Chron 9:32
▪︎ Gen 22:8 (Abraham responds in faith), Gen 22:14 (He actually sees God provide) – Jehovah Jireh, God will provide (full text… Gen 22:1-14)
▪︎ John 9:4 – We must work His work, In the Day, night is coming, when no man can work.
▪︎ 1Peter 1:7, 8-9 – tested faith is more precious than gold, results in glory and honor to God.
▪︎ Heb 4:13 – God sees all our responses.
▪︎ 2Sam 22:3; Ps 57:1 – God is our Refuge.
▪︎ Heb 6:18 – Refuge leads to hope.
▪︎ 1Peter 4:19 – Entrust your soul to Him.
▪︎ Esther 6:1, 2 – God controls even the decisions made by Kings in the night.
▪︎ Esther 9:24 – God controls even the casting of lots.