Stagnant, Complacent in Spirit

Stagnant – (שֶׁמֶר – Hebrew) shemer – lees, dregs, that which settles out of wine when left unagitated – Zeph 1:12; Ps 75:8; Isa 25:6; Jer 48:11;

▪︎ Zeph 1:12 – Don’t be tired, lazy, neglectful of the Lord; instead, be doers of the word (James 1:22-23, 24, 25)
▪︎ Zeph 1:14 – The Day of the Lord is coming like a thief in the night (1Thes 5:2-3).
▪︎ Zeph 2:3 – Seek the Lord you who are humble (Heb 11:6)