The Grand Experiment

▪︎ God’s Word is fully capable in itself to draw people to Christ.  If He chooses, God needs nothing besides His Word to draw men and women to Himself.
▪︎ Isa 55:10, 11;
▪︎ James 1:18, 21-22;
▪︎ 2Peter 1:3, 4, 19;
▪︎ 1Cor 1:21;
▪︎ Luke 16:17;
▪︎ 1Peter 1:23;
▪︎ This will be proven, over and over… one soul at a time. But He chooses to use the foolishness of preaching…
   ► to prove what we are really like…
   ► to show what He is like… and
   ► to overcome our shortcomings.