Legal Standing in God’s Court

We may have standing in God’s court in that damages will be incurred, we may suffer loss; however, we are not officers of the court and do not have capacity to bring any action or even enter God’s Holy Court. There is only one officer of the court, one advocate, one counselor, the Lord Jesus Christ. All actions and grounds for actions have been completely laid out in writing and is signed in His blood. Apart from the paraklétos (παράκλητος – Greek) the Helper, the Advocate from close besides, the Holy Spirit (John 14:26), we have no hope. Turn around and seek His counsel today. Repent and be saved from the Wrath to come.

You may say, “I do not recognize His authority, nor His court”. From this side of the veil that may seem like an efficient answer, but when the veil is removed, and all that is hidden is revealed, there is only one court and one law. You will not be able to defend your past actions. You will face one question, “Is your name written in the book of life?” The facts of your life will be indisputable. Only one question will matter, is you name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

▪︎ Rev 20:12 – dead will be judged according to their deeds written in the books.
▪︎ Rev 20:15 – If anyone’s name is not in the book of life, he is thrown into the lake of fire.
▪︎ Rev 21:10-11 – John was shown the Holy City, the New Jerusalem.
▪︎ Rev 21:26-27 – All nations will come here to worship. If your name is in the Lamb’s book of life, you too will be able to experience this glorious eternal life in the presence of God.