Looking for the Consolation of Israel

▪︎ Simeon was looking for the consolation of Israel – Luke 2:25;
▪︎ He was told he would not die until he had seen it – Luke 2:26;
▪︎ Jesus fulfilled this promise – Luke 2:27-28, 29-30;

Consolation (παράκλησις – Greek) – paraklésis Comfort, encouragement, exhortation, consolation, from para (close besides) and kaléō (to call) parakaleó), meaning “to call to one’s side,” “to comfort,” “to exhort,” or “to encourage.” Properly it is a call (urging), done by someone “close beside,” i.e. a personal exhortation that delivers the “evidence that stands up in God’s court.” – Rom 15:4, 5; 2Cor 1:3-4, 5, 6;