A Grain of Wheat is a Picture of Christ’s Death

▪︎ John 12:24 – Death is required before fruit can be born.
▪︎ Gen 1:12 – God created plants bearing seed so man could bake that seed into bread (Gen 3:19).
▪︎ Ps 19:1-2 – God’s creation tells of His glory (Ps 65:12-13)   see also … Creation Hopes in Christ’s Second Coming
▪︎ Matt 6:10 – It is one of the few places where God’s will is perfectly executed.
▪︎ 1Cor 15:36-37, 38 – Wheat has the previledge of being the picture of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.
▪︎ Acts 2:23, 24 – This plan of God was conceived before the foundation of the world and the picture came into clarity at creation (Gen 1:12).
▪︎ Gen 3:15 – The painful solution was required after man chose to go his own way at the fall.
▪︎ Gen 1:29 – The picture and the real solution had as it’s purpose to multiply in numbers, bearing fruit and enabling life, to the glory of God.
▪︎ 1Cor 15:54-55 – At the final resurrection our bodies will be changed into new physical bodies of glory.
▪︎ Exod 25:30; 2Chron 13:11 – The table of shewbread extends the picture of the glory of bread to be continually present before God and always in His mind; with incense having a similar picture for the prayers of the saints.
▪︎ 1Peter 1:3, 4 – Blessed be God who has put this plan in place to glorify Himself in creation and to give us a living hope through the resurrection.