Apart From God, We Are All Nothing

▪︎ God specifically nullifies (  ) man’s fleshly behavior, his human efforts – 1Cor 1:28-29;
▪︎ God specifically chooses the weak and foolish to humble the arrogant – 1Cor 1:27;
▪︎ All of man’s efforts are in the flesh – 1Cor 3:3-4;
▪︎ God speaks His Wisdom through His people – 1Cor 2:6;
▪︎ We are nothing apart from God – 1Cor 3:6-7;
▪︎ Death is nullified by Christ – Heb 2:14, 15; 2Tim 1:9, 10; 1Cor 15:26;
▪︎ We are crucified with Christ to nullify sin – Rom 6:6;
▪︎ The world and it’s leaders will also be nullified – Isa 40:17, 23, 24; 2Thes 2:8;
▪︎ In choosing sin, we become empty (vapor, breath, fleeting) – Jer 2:5;
▪︎ The sin of man cannot nullify the grace of God – Rom 3:3;
▪︎ Similarly, man’s righteousness cannot nullify the law of God – Rom 3:31; Matt 5:18;
▪︎ However, salvation by works (e.g. Circumcision) does nullify the Promise of God – Rom 4:14;
▪︎ Faith reverses that, bringing into being that which does not exist, that which was null – Rom 4:17;
▪︎ God created the earth with the purpose to be inhabited – Isa 45:18;

▪︎ Formless (תֹּהוּ – Hebrew) – tohu formlessness, confusion, unreality, emptiness, vacuum, null, exhaustive list includes:
  • Gen 1:2
  • Deut 32:10
  • 1Sam 12:21
  • Job 6:18
  • Job 12:24
  • Job 26:7
  • Ps 107:40
  • Isa 24:10
  • Isa 29:21
  • Isa 34:11
  • Isa 40:17
  • Isa 40:23
  • Isa 41:29
  • Isa 44:9
  • Isa 45:18
  • Isa 45:19
  • Isa 49:4
  • Isa 59:4
  • Jer 4:23

▪︎ Nullify (καταργέω Greek) – katargeó  render inoperative, abolish, make idle. inactive, make of no effect, annul, abolish, bring to naught, exhaustive list includes:
  • Luke 13:7;
  • Rom 3:3;
  • Rom 3:31;
  • Rom 4:14;
  • Rom 6:6;
  • Rom 7:2;
  • Rom 7:6;
  • 1Cor 1:28;
  • 1Cor 2:6;
  • 1Cor 6:13;
  • 1Cor 13:8;
  • 1Cor 13:8;
  • 1Cor 13:10;
  • 1Cor 13:11;
  • 1Cor 15:24;
  • 1Cor 15:26;
  • 2Cor 3:7;
  • 2Cor 3:11;
  • 2Cor 3:13;
  • 2Cor 3:14;
  • Galatians 3:17;
  • Galatians 5:4;
  • Gal 5:11;
  • Eph 2:15;
  • 2Thes 2:8;
  • 2Tim 1:10;
  • Heb 2:14;