Beckoned by Hope, Led by the Spirit, Driven by Providence

Beckoned by Hope:
▪︎ Enticed by hope unseen- Rom 8:24-25
▪︎ Like Abraham’s call – Heb 11:8
▪︎ He patiently waited – Heb 11:9;
▪︎ Looking for God’s city – Heb 11:10;
▪︎ Obeyed from a distance, not knowing, without seeing results – Heb 11:13;

Led by the Spirit:
▪︎ Spirit Born – John 3:3, 7;
▪︎ Direction is not always clear- John 3:8
▪︎ Christ is head, He rules – Eph 1:22-23;
▪︎ Obediently we follow – Rom 8:14;
▪︎ When He calls we go – 1Peter 2:16;
▪︎ His word is our road map – Josh 1:8;

Driven by Providence – Examples:
▪︎ Abraham's servant
   ► A wife for Iaasac – Gen 24:27, 48;
▪︎ Joseph
   ► God was with him – Acts 7:9-10;
▪︎ Moses
   ► Pharaoh’s Edict – Exod 1:15, 16, 22;
   ► The Executioner – Exod 2:2, 3;
   ► The Nile – Exod 2:5, 6;
   ► Financial support – Exod 2:7, 8-9;
   ► Pharaoh’s threat – Exod 2:15;
   ► The father-in-law – Exod 2:21-22;
   ► The wilderness – Exod 3:1;
   ► God’s call – Exod 3:9, 10;
   ► Moses found favor in Pharaoh’s household – Acts 7:21-22;

Other scripture:
▪︎ Exod 40:35-36, 37-38;
▪︎ Eph 4:15 – Christ is head
▪︎ When called – Go now! vs. Eph 4:14 not with craftiness and deceitful scheming… Ps 12:2-4;
▪︎ Promise led – 2Peter 1:4 great, precious promises, partakers of His nature, to escape the corruption of the world.
▪︎ Hope delivered – Rom 8:24-25 patience
▪︎ The Pilgrim’s Hope – 1Peter 1:1, 2

   see also … The Aliens’ and Pilgrims’ Hope:…Hope distant vs. hope God delivered.