Follow the Lord God Fully

▪︎ Moses was told to send leaders to spy out the land – Numb 13:1-2;
▪︎ Twelve spies were sent and brought back samples of the bounty – Numb 13:23
▪︎ All confirmed it was a rich and bountiful land – Numb 13:27;
▪︎ However, everyone except Joshua and Caleb had a negative response and sowed fear in the hearts of their brothers – Numb 13:28, 29;
▪︎ Caleb’s Initial scouting report was very positive and full of faith – Numb 13:30;
▪︎ Nevertheless, the other spies did not believe God could deliver the land for Israel – Numb 13:31, 32, 33;
▪︎ Israel looses the opportunity, with catastrophic repercussions – Numb 14:1-45;
   ► The rebellious bared from the land – Numb 14:22, 23;
   ► Caleb, who followed God fully, will be allowed into the Promised Land – Numb 14:24;
   ► Joshua will also enter – Numb 14:30;
   ► All who grumbled will die in the wilderness – Numb 14:29;
▪︎ Caleb’s recollection of their report after the wilderness experience – Josh 14:7, 8, 9, 14; He followed the Lord fully.