God Can Reject Man’s Call

▪︎ If men reject God’s call to them (Prov 1:24-25) then God can turn away His heart when they finally decide to turn to Him – Prov 1:28-29, 30-31; Jer 18:17; Ezek 20:3; Hosea 5:6;
   Solution… Repent when God calls (Prov 1:33).
▪︎ Judah and Jerusalem refused to respond to Jeremiah’s call from the Lord (Jer 13:10), God is heartbroken (Jer 13:17), but He rejected their call just as they rejected His (Jer 14:12).
   Solution… Repent and hope in God (Jer 14:20, 22).
▪︎ Modern day man rejects God’s call (Rom 1:18-19, 20) displayed all around him (Rom 1:21-22) and so, God gives him just what he wants (Rom 1:24-25).
   Solution… Repentance (Rom 2:3, 4).

Respond to God while there is time… Zeph 2:1-2, 3;