Knowing God is Eternal Life

▪︎ John 17:3; 1John 5:20; Phil 3:10-11;
▪︎ It is more than an intellectual understanding – Jer 22:16;
▪︎ It is a righteous personal knowledge that flows out of a betrothal – Hos 2:19-20;
▪︎ It is the intimate knowing between a husband and wife – Exod 33:13…
   Know (יָדַע – Hebrew) verb, to know a person intimately – Gen 4:1 KJV
▪︎ It is experiencing God that results in Sabbath rest – Heb 4:1, 9-10, 11…
   Rest (נוּחַ – Hebrew) verb, repose, be quiet, have rest – Exod 33:14;
   Rest (מְנוּחָה – Hebrew) noun, resting place, rest – Ps 95:10-11;