Men of Valor

▪︎ 1Chron 26:6
valor – (חַיִל – Hebrew) – chayil strength, efficiency, wealth, army, ability, efficiency, often involving moral worth, valiant, heroic courage, bravery –

• Exod 18:21
• Numb 24:18
• Joshua 1:14
• Judges 6:12
• 1Sam 16:18
• 1Sam 17:20, 37
• 1Chron 12:22
• Ps 60:12
• Zech 4:6

▪︎ mighty – (δυνατός – LXX Greek) – dunatos strong, mighty, powerful, able, related to dýnamis (“ability, power”) –

• Matt 19:26
• Luke 1:49
• Luke 24:19
• Acts 7:22
• Acts 11:17
• Acts 18:24
• Romans 4:21
• Romans 9:22
• Romans 11:23
• Romans 12:18
• Romans 15:1
• 1 Corinthians 1:26
• 2 Corinthians 10:4
• 2 Corinthians 12:10
• 2 Corinthians 13:9
• Galatians 4:15
• 2 Timothy 1:12
• Titus 1:9
• James 3:2