Open Encryption:
1. In cryptography this is called “clear text”.
2. God simply tells it exactly as it is in the Bible… the truth…
3. His creative process is very simple, but man can’t understand without help, and/or so complex man can only understand a few of His basics.
4. Man’s god is too small. God created the universe in 6 days using words that He spoke… “and God said, ‘Let there be light’ and there was light”, Gen 1:3.
5. Creation that is so clear and yet so complex that it can’t be replicated.
6. God’s creation is so resilient that it regenerates itself spontaneously.
7. and yet… we have ears, but do not listen… and eyes but do not see. We have memories, but they fade with time or are selective to begin with.
8. God provides salvation so straight forward even a simple man can take advantage of it.
Dual in nature:
1. Vast expanse of the universe vs. Invisible smallness of the atom.
2. So big, it took thousands of years of innovation just to see it; then when tech improves we realize there is still stuff we have yet to see.
3. So, small we are constantly making up names for particles that we think have to exist and yet we can’t see them
4. Near vs. far… can’t be in 2 places at once
5. Old vs. new… subject to selective memory
6. History vs. future… We are locked into the single dimension of time.
7. We can see only the things near by at the present time, everything else is a matter of faith. Who are you going to believe?
Perception and Cognition:
1. Man’s mind is easily distracted with worries, tangent thoughts, sin, arrogance.
2. Clarity is available to the young, unassuming, carefree, open minded, thinkers.
3. Things that cloud our perception and thinking include: emotions, will, history, health, drugs…
4. Satan influences man…
Probabilistic Analysis:
1. Compares a known fact to see where it falls in the distribution curve of other facts similar in nature.
2. Used to evaluate the probability of this occurring or reoccurring?
3. God hides Himself inside the statics around us, Isa 45:15.
4. We say physical laws have to be the same as what went on before us, statistically speaking. Rather, there is only one absolute fact, God created it all; and we should be trusting God’s word as fact.
Probabilistic Determinism:
1. The assumption is that every event is similar in nature to all past events of its type or family of events.
2. This also can be described as continuationism. Everything continues just as it has from the beginning of time (2Peter 3:3-4).
Probabilistic Determinism vs Creative Volition:
1. Probalistic determinism states that our current environment flows from the past and that similar phisical laws dictate how that happened.
2. Creation states that there is a powerful being that can exert His will, His volition on His creation.
3. He has the power and the will to change things up if He wants.
4. Variations in creation, variations in “scientific law” are like brush strokes from the creator. These brushstrokes are uniquely from the hand of God.
5. For more information on how the Bible describes creation see…